Quil Carter

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality

Garden of Spiders 2: House of Flies Vol. 1 Part 2 is out!!!

My latest baby is live! Garden of Spiders 2: House of Flies Vol. 1 Part 2 is out and about and ready to give you all the feels. My biggest volume yet, but that is just something that Elish and Sanguine demanded.

Available Here! nd free if you have Kindle Unlimited too.

I still really wish I hadn't been forced to split Volume 1 into two parts, but now that Part 2 is out and everyone in the future can just slide from P1 to P2, that makes me feel a bit better. Part 2 is just such a fucking ride, and like I'd mentioned previously, I think it contains some of my best writing. There is just so much going on in this book, and it really rewards a reader who has been paying attention. Not just paying attention to the book in general, but the entire series and Silent Ground! Like my other books, Garden of Spiders 2 is going to be perfect for re-reads also, get ready for a lot of 'Oh my god, I didn't pick up on that the first time". There are so many answers in this book, so many huge puzzle pieces, and I can't wait to watch everyone pool their knowledge to piece them together.

And to watch that puzzle get worked on, and maybe provide a few pieces yourself, I greatly urge everyone who hasn't yet to join the FalloCult! My main FB gets a bit bare because basically all the damn discussion just goes to the Cult lol. https://www.facebook.com/groups/620135551487546

So, now that Vol. 1 is released, I'm going to take a few days off before launching myself into Vol. 2. And by days off, I mean I'll still be thinking about it and trying to hammer out a loose game plan. I'm not one to plan out much in advance with these books but since there is a timeline of events I need to work with, I have to sketch out a rough road map. Not too used to that lol.

I'd like to again thank my amazing beta readers too. They help pick up typos and other little errors made during the writing process, and since they're all my best buds, we have a great time doing it. They're also the literal first people to see these books too, and my first wave of feedback. Those wonderful beans are Lewis, Larissa, Joshua, and Mari. Also I have to thank Christina B who does my cover jacket for the physical books too, and my handsome boy Jon who does the interior formatting for the physical books also.

Now for the usual plugs! If you want to help my ass out I have a Patreon. Without Patreon I wouldn't be able to write these books full time, so if you have the means and want some cool Fallocaust merch in return, and for the highest tier, a handmade drawing by me (and a ton of stuff in between like a thank you/shout out at the end of my latest book) join my patreon! I am a bit behind sending out the latest wave of rewards but now that Vol. 1 is finished I'll be able to crank some out, hopefully during this mini vacation: https://www.patreon.com/quilcarter
I also have an Amazon wishlist full of everything from essential items like groceries, to cat supplies, to toilet paper, and non-essential gift-type items like video games or house plants (which I'd totally name you): https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/3MUQBO6W0YMM2?ref_=wl_share

And other ways you can help out: https://www.quilcarter.com/help-quil There is also a shop full of Fallocaust merch including t-shirts: https://www.quilcarter.com/thefalloshop

And if you need a refresher on some of the characters, there's a Fallocaust Wiki now too!


Okay I know I am probably forgetting a lot of shit, but I woke up like an hour ago lol. Thank you so much to everyone for their support and their love, I hope you enjoy this latest book and I can't wait to bring everyone the next installment!