Quil Carter

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality

The Suicide King is coming.

It's go time!

The Suicide King Book 3 of The Fallocaust Series will be released December 22nd 2015.

After months of being separated, Reaver and Killian are finally together; but their happiness is short lived. Unbeknownst to Killian, Reaver is struggling with his own inner demons, demons that threaten to not only rip Reaver apart, but their entire relationship as well.

Unfortunately though, it’s not only demons they have to worry about. Reaver and Killian are going to quickly realize that the plaguelands hold to them a threat that the greywastes and Skyfall have never seen; a dangerous creature that has discovered just how valuable immortals are.

And back in Skyfall, the Dekker family is about to be tested in ways they’ve never been before. Chimeras who were once seen as unstoppable will be stopped, those deemed shatterproof will be shattered, and the higher these men are, the longer and harder they’ll fall. Who will rise from the ashes, and who will burn in the flames still remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure…

… it’ll be quite the ride.

Pre-orders now available!

also available on the Kindle Unlimited program.

The Suicide King is completed.

It's done. The Suicide King is completed.

Well, pretty much completed. I need to do the prologue and a bit of the ending but like Severing Sanguine, and Book 2, I'll eventually rewrite the ending anyways once I'm done editing, so I'm calling it in and saying it's done, and moving onto editing! Yesterday almost killed me, I was writing all day and wrote 9,186 god damn words. I wanted to have it finished and at 1 in the morning I finally achieved that, holy fuck did my eyes hurt from staring at that damn screen! So I had no Halloween lol

Fuck, this was one long fucking book, guys. I was guessing 500,000 but it ended up taking longer to put in everything I wanted to have in it and end it the way I wanted to end. The final count you ask? 550,000 and it'll grow after the prologue and ending, plus I wanted to put in a chapter in the beginning of volume two. So look at and end count at around 560,000. The longest thing I've ever written and ever will write.

Obviously it'll be split up into two volumes. The first one will be around 300,000 the second 260,000. Right now I'm just going to concentrate on getting volume 1 out and then worry about volume 2. I've told myself I won't rush this book or rush my betas even though my mind is screaming at me to get it out by 2015, the only person demanding I get it done quickly is me. I know all of you don't mind waiting and everyone has been so understanding even though the past week I've been tearing out my hair and going manic with stress.

I hope you like The Suicide King. This book deals with a lot of emotion and all the main characters go through changes. It has some sad moments, happy moments, and moments that hopefully make you laugh out loud. You'll see your favourite characters get brought to their knees, and others finally see some redemption. You'll also see the chess pieces get moved around the board, and family dynamics change within the Dekker family when powerful figures are suddenly gone and those who stayed in the shadows are forced to stand up and lead. The Suicide King also answers a lot of questions brought up in Book 2, and, of course, gives you a whole new set of mysteries to try and unravel before Book 4.

So, it's finally done, it's finished, but since I'm also my own editor my work isn't done (it never is) and now it's time to read through it and bring it from first draft to final, then its off to the betas and then your hands. Thank you for all of your support in the last several months and I hope The Suicide King lives up to all expectations.

Release date and cover reveal will be when I'm done editing, so look for it in the next couple weeks. I'll most likely be setting up pre-orders at that time too.

Volume 1 of The Suicide King is now done!

(I actually finished volume 1 a few days ago but I've been bad with updating things since I've been up to my ears in The Suicide King, but here it is now!)

End of Volume 1

Well, The Fallocaust Series Book 3 'The Suicide King' Volume 1 is officially done! And like I suspected its clocked in at 301,000 words! It ended with a bang, literally, and now I can move into Volume 2 and wrap up this crazy adventure the boys are currently on, after throwing a few wrenches in their path too, of course.

The Suicide King is definitely a good name for this book. A lot of our beloved characters are on a path of destruction, all in their own unique way. TSK Volume 1 has been nicknamed by me as 'Destruction' whereas Volume 2 is going to be 'Redemption'. Each of our boys have caught on fire and have burned in one way or another, but Volume 2 will show each one crawl out of the cinders and become greater versions of themselves. As Mario Puzo who wrote The Godfather is quoted as saying "Great men are not born great, they grow great." and that is one way you can describe what I have done in Volume 1. During The Fallocaust Series and their companion books you are introduced to characters described as flawless, and men who have reached their prime and have the ego to back it up. You have Elish an elegant demigod who commands respect and dominates his brothers and all of Skyfall with an iron fist wrapped in silk, Reaver, our dark chimera, who prides himself on being cruel, heartless, and unbreakable. And Silas, the mental shapeshifter, the puppet master, who controls the world and his family with a wry smirk and a gliding walk; the king who ended the world that is always ten steps ahead of everyone else.

But unfortunately these three, and all of the boys, are about to be tested. Men who once were seen as unstoppable will be stopped, those deemed shatterproof will be shattered, and the higher these men are, the longer and harder they will be falling. It'll be a hard journey to go on with them, but in the end all who writhe in the ashes will rise from them, and when they turn their greatest weaknesses into their most powerful of strengths, only then will they truly be worthy of the titles they so freely put on themselves. The Suicide King is about loss, it is about recovery; it is about swallowing their pride to save themselves and those they love, and accepting that they might not be as perfect as they thought they were.

But with self-awareness comes power, and the moment these boys realize that admitting weakness and your own faults will lead them to become even stronger than they once were... it will truly be a sight to see. And they're going to need this newly realized strength. They're going to need to cauterize their weaknesses and learn to rely on their partners for strength and power... because in the shadows a greater threat is growing, one that doesn't threaten just one or two chimeras, but every single one of them.
Immortal and mortal alike.

And it's on to Volume 2!

I also want to apologize for slacking on updating the chimera glossery and the FalloCats, plus I have been wanting to add a fanart page. The Suicide King has been taking all of my attention and I have been having some health issues also zapping my energy. But I am going to try and update the Chimera Glossery and eventually will be adding a glossery for The Gods' Games which will consist of things like kingdom names, races, animals, things like that and eventually some family trees and character bios. But I already have a heaping plate right now finishing The Suicide King, chimera glossery, editing and all of that so this is definitely a future project. 

Happy Reading Everyone!

Quil Carter

The Gods' Games is now live!

The Gods' Games is now out and live! Both versions too.

Graphic Edition:


Not-So Graphic Edition:


The pre-orders have now been released as well and I can sit back and celebrate while everyone reads! Well, for a few hours anyways because quite frankly I'm at an awesome part of The Suicide King so I have been ignoring my partner and best friend in favour for writing until my fingers bleed! I hope everyone loves this book and falls in love with the characters like I have. 

For many years The Gods' Games was a file getting moved from computer to computer and every time I looked at it I would feel guilt that this incompleted book was just sitting there collecting dust when it had so much potential. But every time I'd look at it I would see my writing style from years ago, my shitty grammar, and something that I knew would take a lot of work to bring up to readable standards. Finally when I was in my early twenties I rewrote it, but then Fallocaust came and barrelled itself into my life and it was put aside again but at least in much better condition. Now after a lot of hard work I am seeing something so many years in the making finally released. 

In truth I'm glad it took this long, because I wouldn't have been able to do the story or my characters justice if I released it even last year with Fallocaust, because I have learned so much in the last year since releasing my first book. The Gods' Games started out differently, Ben was in his 30s and a lawyer, and none of them had a sexual preferrence due to me just not being comfortable as a teen writing gay characters (the first time doing so was in a future book I'll be releasing hopefully in the next year). Erick had only a few chapters and there wasn't even any swearing due to my wish for it to be read by a wider audience. 

Now as you can see, it's much different and what the book originally started out as is a shadow of what it is now. I wish I could put into better words how much it means to me to see this book released today. It was the first book I wrote with 100% original characters in an original world, not Sonic the Hedgehog, Harry Potter, or X-men fanfiction, something i could really call my very own.

 When I first started writing The Gods' Games (then called something different) I was living on a rural island with generator power that was rarely on. We would turn the generator on for a few hours to keep the freezers cold and to charge the inverters and whenever he did I would go to where the desktop computer was, bundled up in the middle of winter and write this book with my fingers numb in a cold building on the property. I just had to write everything I had thought of the previous night, even if I was doing it while being able to see my breath. And when I moved into my first apartment at 17, I brought this book with me on a red floppy disk and wrote from my desktop so old and so shitty it had 4gb of hard drive space.

 So enjoy this book, I know for my m/m romance readers who might not usually read fantasy it might be different than what you're used to reading, but I hope you will love it anyways. This is a day I will never forget, the day The Gods' Games finally got published.
Happy Reading.

The Suicide King except + updates on The Gods' Games

Hello lovelys,

I have been really busy with The Suicide King and a quiet Quil is a hard working Quil. Actually that's not entirely true I got my Xbox One on Friday so a few hours has been devoted to The Elder Scrolls Online (If anyone has an xbox add me: MassChaotic).

So, just to show how much I appreciate all of you, instead of a small except I am posting Chapters 2 and 3 of The Suicide King. Elish and Reaver's. I was going to just do Reaver's but in truth Reaver spends a lot of that chapter monologing since he has no one else to talk to and I wanted to include one with a little more plot action not just Reaver being happy and giddy (even though it's so cute). Of course, don't read this if you're not caught up on the books!

Also, most of you won't care about this I'll post it anyways. The Gods' Games isn't going to be split up into vol 1 and 2 in respects to it being two separate books. I figured out how to hyperlink inside of the kindle/kobo/whatever so I'm splitting it up but selling it as one whole book with links to vol 2 in the beginning. The price will eventually go up but for now since it's new and I just want people to read it, it'll stay at 4.60 US. BUT there are going to be two versions. The Gods' Games was never meant to have graphic sex because I wanted it to be able to reach a wider audience. Whereas a lot of people would be okay having gay main characters I'm not an idiot, I understand graphic gay sex might turn off people even if I personally highly recommend it. My beta readers got the 'graphic' version with the sex scene I wrote as more of a 'I know you guys will like it so I'll leave it in but I'll eventually take it out' sort of thing. I've gotten good feedback on it cause ya'll are weird like me so I've decided to release a 'Graphic Version' and on release day will also be releasing a 'Not-So Graphic Version' which will still have fondling and some sexual things but no full on, detailed sex like you see in Fallocaust. Like I said I want TGG to reach a wider audience than Fallocaust and TGG was never meant to have graphic sex in it anyways, BUT I am now 26 years old, I write differently than I did when I was writing the basis for TGG. Book 2 and on most likely will contain more sex, darker themes ect, so this also frees me up to have my cake and eat it too. I can write my graphic version and then for the milk drinkers I can edit out the elf-on-elf rape (that hasnt happened yet but, eh, it's me) and they don't have to be squidged out. This gives me a hell of a lot more creative freedom and hopefully will lead to TGG being recommended to more people.

Um, okay, what else... I don't think there's anything. Oh, I am going to be putting The Gods' Games in the KU program but like I said before you can still buy it normally on Amazon. For my non kindle users you'll not be forgotten. I am tossing around the idea of either releasing TGG a few days early on smashwords until July 6th to give people a chance to buy it, or/and putting a 'mystery box' for sale on the FalloShop so I can bypass Amazon's search bot who'll ding me for having it for sale anywhere else, and i also have paypal. So never fear, you'll still be able to get a copy and I can do my little KU experiment.

2 more weeks until The Gods' Games comes out! AH! Time for the anxiety to come back!


(when it prompts you to sign in just click the X. Also this is still a draft so ignore any typos)


The FallloShop is open!


I have been meaning to get around to doing this and I finally did it! Last month I was dickin' around looking at print sites because I wanted a bookmark for my Fallocaust physical books since I like thumbing through them but since they're massive they're always closing on me. Since they wouldn't print me just one I decided to just print a bunch, and as I designed one for myself I got the idea to just order a fuckload of them. As the days went on I designed more bookmarks, then I found out they had magnets and decided to design some of them as well (though the fois ras one and the dek'ko one is curtosy of Christina). I also ordered some fancy fuck tassels from Amazon too which comes with every bookmark (and in your choice of colour!).

As time goes on I'll be adding new things to it. They had coasters but they were too expensive so I said fuck it, but they also have notebooks I can make, or stress balls,pens, shirts, neat shit like that. Also every order will get delivered in custom fallocaust #10 envelopes because, yeah, I couldn't stop ordering shit. I even have Fallocaust address labels now! FALLOCAUST ALL THE THINGS!

This will also help pay for my Quil Carter site. Since I made the chimera glossery I had to upgrade my plan so they're currently raping me every month. Everything else goes towards hookers, err I mean cat food.

Signed bookmarks also availble. Autographed in silver pen (ohhh, silver pen, pretty)

The Gods' Games pre-order is up!

Introducing... THE GODS' GAMES!

After a long wait and a lot of work I am pleased to announce that The Gods' Games Book 1 is now available for pre-order and will be released July 6th. I know it's difficult when a new little brother gets added to the family (well not little, this book would be like the 15 year old teenager who got a sexy new facelift) but I hope everyone will give this book a read because it has been a part of my life for so long and it deserves to be seen and read (not to mention it's fucking awesome). I can't believe after all of this time this book finally has a release date and it is finally going to seen by everyone! To say it has been a long time coming is an understatement.

This book is massive to say the least (about 365,000 words) and just a warning eventually it will most likely be split up into two volumes! So order your copy while it's available as one huge, gigantic, towering book. I didn't want to split it up right away since it's a new book to a series and I want everyone to read it in its entirety but once I start working on the physical book I will be splitting it in two.

The genre I chose for this book on Amazon is also Dark Fantasy instead of Fantasy. I had no idea what Dark Fantasy was until I googled it and apparently it's Fantasy with some aspects of horror/psychological horror and has a darker theme to it. Though The Gods' Games isn't as dark as Fallocaust there is definitely still a dark aspect to it the farther you get in the book. The easiest way to describe what to expect from The Gods' Games is going from Philosopher's Stone all the way to Deathly Hallows in the course of the book. You can definitely see Fallocaust Quil Carter break through the surface as the book goes on.

I'm really happy to finally be completed this book and to have it handed off to the beta readers. It has been a pretty stressful couple of months and the last two weeks almost killed me. But it's done, it's handed off to my beta readers and now... and now... AND NOW!

I can start The Fallocaust Book 3 The Suicide King.


Severing Sanguine now availible in physical book!

Surprise! One of the projects I've been working on is the physical book of Severing Sanguine and finally, after having to order three proofs since createspace has a tendancy to make the covers dark, I just got my last proof and approved it for sale. Like last time it will still take several days for it to be availible on Amazon but it is availible on createspace and they give me a bigger cut (insanely big, like 8 bucks compared to 3 bucks on Amazon) so if you can please buy it from there.

I'd like to thank Christina for designing the back cover which looks amazing and formatting the front cover for me since I'm stupid when it comes to Adobe. I'm really happy with how this physical book turned out and also happy to finally be finished it. Createspace is a pain in the ass when it comes to covers and since my covers are all dark it was real fun (enter sarcasm) to try and strike a balance since it was either too dark, or when I'd lighten it, too washed out. So I now have two other 'defect' books to add to my 3 Breaking Jade ones and my like 6 Fallocaust ones lol.

After I finish TGG, while I write Book 3 I will be doing a read-through of Book 2 The Ghost and the Darkness, and after I am done that I will be putting it into physical book too! Hopefully, Book 3's physical book will be released at the same time as the ebook copy.

Book Availible here.


The Gods' Games Excerpt

I am halfway through my read-through and since the end is in sight and soon it will be out of my hands and in the hands of the beta readers, I thought I would post my first excerpt of the much heard about and hopefully anticipated The Gods' Games Series Book One!
This read-through is going slowly, mostly due to me reading it really carefully and not reading late at night when I'm dead tired and will most likely miss everything. I also am working on several other Fallocaust projects which is also slowing down my progress but, like I said, the end is in sight! Once I pass it off to the first wave of beta readers (a week I'm guessing). I will be doing the cover reveal and also the release date which I'm thinking will be the end of June. 2 months I reckon is more than enough time for the betas to do their beta thing. THEN IT'S ON TO BOOK 3! I'm fucking eager as all hell to get to it. It's frustrating that reading is going so slow because I'm done editing and I'm done reading and I want to start writing again! My soul is dying, it's been too long since I wrote a Fallocaust book!
What's in this excerpt? What the hell is this book even about? It's about a guy named Ben Zahn, a drug dealer and a drug user, whose brother vanished without a trace four years previous. During a routine drug purchase Ben sees a man with silver hair who was also the last man that Ben's brother Erick was seen with. Ben becomes obsessed with finding this man and ultimately his search brings him to the top of an abandoned building where he meets Teal, a strange young man who seems to know exactly why Ben was lured there. After a brief conversation Teal takes Ben's hand and, to Ben's shock, Teal jumps off of the building, taking Ben with him.
When Ben wakes up, he's in a different world, and not only that... he finds out that his brother Erick is not only in Alcove as well - he's the Draken King. A rebel king who mysteriously appeared four years ago with three high priests and a powerful army and overthrew Alcove's king.
And no, Ben has no idea how the hell his drug-addicted, lowlife, loser of a brother managed it.
In this excerpt you'll find Ben already in Alcove with Teal. He has been transformed into an elf species called a hibrid. Which is like an elf except some subtil differences, like sharp retractable claws and pointed teeth. He has only been conscious for several days and is still getting used to the world around him. This excerpt, which is Chapter 8, his simply called 'Squirrel Hunting'.

Link to Dropbox

Link to website version

The Gods' Games Series is completed!

Over 12 years ago I sketched an elf on the margin of a piece of paper and I named him Teal. He was quickly joined by Ben and Malagant and soon an entire world had formed in my head. As time went on and I grew up, this book kept being put on the back burner as other book ideas came to me and refused to leave.

When I would come back to this book, I would re-write it, more confident in writing about gay characters, more confident writing without the fear of what people would think of me, and hopeful that 'this time' I would finish it and publish it. Though the same thing would always happen... I'd rewrite some of it, but Fallocaust would call me back, or before Fallocaust another book would call me back. My elves, my Alcove, my hibrids, Dashavians, Malkah, Evercovians would be put way for years. This filled me with a lot of guilt, since The Gods' Games was the first book I ever seriously wrote not just half-hearted fanfiction. I felt like I was abandoning a childhood friend for the cool new kids and leaving him in the dust.

This series isn't Fallocaust and it shouldn't be compared to Fallocaust when you read it. Does it have gay characters? Yes, obviously! Does it have romance in it? Yes, though it's not center stage. Does it have sex? Not as detailed and in your face as Fallocaust but it does, yes. Does it have plot twists, mind fucks, and will most likely give you nightmares? Of course!

Will it have a fuck load more of all of the above when I finally write Book 2? Fuck yes, because I'm a different person now and though I can re-write and add knew scenes I cant change where the characters were emotionally or how they acted towards each other. So though Book 1 may be different than what you're used to, there is no escaping my nature, future books will be more attune to what you're used to coming from me.

This book has been through many transformations because with every polish and partial rewrite I had grown up. You can probably pinpoint the point in this book where I became the sick-in-the-head manic person I am today. This book is 12 years in the making and I'm looking forward (after Book 3 of Fallocaust and Elish's companion book) to FINALLY writing a new book instead of constantly dickering over this one.

I feel like a chapter in my life that had always remained open is finally closed, because I can now officially copy paste the last words I just wrote in that Word file.


No release date yet, Im not even sure when Im handing it off to the betas I might do another read-through first since this world is just as, if not more, in-depth and detailed as the fallocaust world. But it's done, 12 years later it's finally done, and I can tackle Book 3 with a weight off of my shoulders.
Holy crap I finally fucking did it.


My fourth book and the second companion book in The Fallocaust Series is now released! This book details the early life of Sanguine 'Sami' Dekker and his journey from being a little baby found under a porch to the chimera he is today.

I'm really proud of this book and how it turned out. It was a tough one to write at times but in the end I feel like I accheived what I originally set out to do. I am writing the companion books as a way for the reader to get all sides of the story. I want you to understand the reasons behind some of the chimeras actions and see why they are who they are. In The Fallocaust Series there is no good and evil, there is no black and white. Even the 'bad guy' King Silas has a reason for being the unstable, possessive, cruel king he is today. If I only wrote the main series my readers wouldn't get the whole side of the story, and what glimpses into the 'Skyfall residing' characters you did get would've been rushed and not properly explored. Just think of how much less you'd know of Elish, Jade, and King Silas without Breaking Jade! You wouldn't even know who Garrett was or what Skyfall looked like. But with the companion books you get a full look into the other side of the series that isn't rushed or told as an off-hand third person POV, and like Breaking Jade, Severing Sanguine does just that.

Severing Sanguine will make you laugh, cry, swear at me, and it will most likely change your views on certain characters as well. It takes place 70 and 50 years before the main series so you'll also get to see how the family lived many years ago, and how much their personalities have changed over the years as well. 
I couldn't be more happy with this book and I think you will be too. Be warned though, as with all of my books Severing Sanguine can be extremely dark at times, it deals with sensitive subject matter and holds little back. It is definitely a Quil Carter book that's for sure.

And I know you'll love it.

Breaking Jade physical book now released!

Breaking Jade is now availible in physical book! It has also been edited and all around it's looking rather amazing.


Right now it's only availible on createspace since it takes 2-3 buisness days for it to be on amazon.  If you can please purchase it from createspace since it cuts out Amazon as the middle man and it significantly increases my royalties, and that means I can reinvest my money into editors and expenses from creating the physical book.

Plus the Fallocaust physical book has been updated inside and out! It has an improved back cover and the formatting inside is perfect. Plus I did another round of re-reading/editing so the book in itself looks a lot better as well.


Currently I'm working on The Gods' Games, the cover is done and I'm hoping to be done the book in the next month and a half, then it's on to The Gods' Game companion book.

Breaking Jade edits done, physical book coming soon.

I was able to afford to send Breaking Jade off to an editor and tonight I finished my read-through! The things that my editor missed I was hopefully able to pick up so Breaking Jade is looking a whole lot better! I have also contacted Amazon about putting an update out for people who have previously purchased Breaking Jade, but you can also manually re-download the copy if you want the newer, prettier version of the book.

I will also be working on Breaking Jade's physical book now and with luck I will have that up in the next month. Plus I will be updating this website as well. In the end I would like to have  'meet the chimeras' page with all the chimeras in Fallocaust (the ones who have been mentioned anyways), plus a few other ideas to make this website a bit more fun.